Feeling God’s Pleasure

Feeling God’s Pleasure

This scene from Chariots of Fire helped define my life when I saw it as a young man in 1981.

In it, Olympic runner Eric Liddell explained what motivated him: “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure.”

What a wonderful way to feel, know and experience the Lord and His purpose.

Most of my life has been guided by the sense of His pleasure as I’ve been the man He created me to be and done the things He created me to do. Even when there’s been adversity, I have felt His pleasure as I serve the King of Kings with whatever gifts He’s given me.

There is no greater joy, no greater fulfillment, no greater purpose.

3 responses

  1. I have always loved this scene, and repeated it in my mind many times. It has been a discussion point with our kids, and an inspiration for us to admire and follow. Thanks for sharing!


  2. And your Mom and Dad feel God’s pleasure and blessing to have a son who seemed to have a heart for God from the time he came forth from the womb. Born mature is how I used to describe you. Even though it was seven years after your birth that we had that glorious experience of surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ, I know that the hunger was there even from my birth in 1934. As I think of this Fathers’ Day and also our 57th wedding anniversary, I am overwhelmed with God’s blessings and would just like to include a poem I wrote in 1978. In my book of poems, it includes a picture of a tall, lanky young man with a beard taken somewhere in PA when you were attending seminary. You are still such a blessing to Dad and me and a father to so many. We thank you for making a home for us in our latter years and for being here when we need you. We love you so much!

    To Jim

    What greater gift could God give a mother
    Than a child full grown and fruitful,
    Expressing in his ripeness all her efforts,
    Feeble as they often were, to nurture to maturity
    A son, who in his wisdom and compassion
    Lends to the misery of this world a heart
    That is able to see and hear and forgive,
    So that when he departs this world
    He will have freely given what he has freely received
    And more.

    I like to think that Mom
    With God’s divine hand upon her
    Also made her contribution – that in
    This son she has presented to mankind
    A ray of hope and blessing
    Not without much needed laughter and joy,
    So that when she also lays down her head
    She knows that God has been good.
    She sees the priceless gift before her
    And knows the world will be a little better
    Than before.

    P.S. And remember Jim, I intend to get home with Jesus before you!!


    • I guess having an open forum means being embarrassed by a comment from my saintly mom – even though I’m in my 50’s. I guess that’s a good problem to have. 😉

      Thanks, mom.


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