

Purpose was the Lord’s word to me for 2012. I really thought that perhaps He had made a mistake because that sounded more like Jim than me. However, as the year unfolded I came to see that purpose was indeed God’s word for me.

My definition of purpose is being resolute, having a plan and then being steadfast to achieve that purpose or goal.

Each one of us has a purpose. In all honesty, I have never thought that much about it until this year. 2012 has been a year of challenges, but with those challenges came much growth and hopefully, fruit.

This past year has been a year of drawing closer to the Lord in ways that have been far different than in the past. He stretched me.

I learned how to worship and dance before the Lord and encounter His physical presence. I learned to trust Him even more through really dark times. I learned that when I was close to despair He could instantly remove it and replace it with His unimaginable peace.

I learned to look beyond the present and see through extraordinary lenses of faith. I learned how to hold on when faced with a cliff. I learned that I could be willing to jump off that cliff if the Lord asked me to leap.

I learned how to be resolute and determined when all I wanted to do was quit. I learned that it is okay to be human and struggle and cry because my Lord and Savior had been there before me. God bundled up this entire year and helped me see His purpose.

As the year draws to an end I am thankful for its lessons. Many of them I had experienced before, but now I feel like they have been deeply embedded into my soul. The Lord has been my sculptor. He is good.

~ Marianne


3 responses

  1. The last couple of years have been the same for myself. We went through some extremely tough times both spiritually and physically but God has shown himself faithful and walked us through them. As I am coming out the other side it has made me distrust this world even more and my hope is truly being honed to be on our Lord Jesus and him alone. There is no other hope but in Christ and Christ alone.


  2. My admiration for you grows constantly. We all have struggles but the fact that you are willing to share yours and acknowledge your walk with the Lord with the rest of us is all inspiring. Your sharing is always like a healing prayer for me.


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