The Miraculous

Every once in a while we get to touch the hand of God. When we hold a loved one’s hand there is a connection that transcends more than the mere physical touch. Holding hands unites the emotions with the physical. Touching the hand of God unites creation with the Creator.

hand of godThis morning God reached His hand down to the Sunday fellowship group that meets in our home. After a short time of sharing we began to pray for each other. Some of the shared needs will require the totally miraculous to happen.

I believe that God is in the business of the miraculous. When we prayed this morning the supernatural presence of God filled the room. Almost everyone had a word, Scripture or a picture from the Lord to share with the person who was receiving the prayer. The sense that the Lord was standing right there in the midst of us was overwhelming.

Over a year ago, the Lord had put on my heart that He wanted to see the miraculous happening in our lives … and so … “The Miraculous” list was started. Our group has had the privilege of watching the Lord answer over half the requests that were on the original list.

In January I felt the list needed more because amazingly only four requests remained. Then the Lord gave me three more to add to the list and these three can only happen with divine intervention. This morning we added a “super-sized” request because it not only involved money but also had an irreversible deadline.

I am excited to see what the Lord is doing and what He is going to do. He is not a respecter of persons. He sees the needs in all of our lives. He delights in answering all prayers, but I believe that He is ecstatic when He brings about the truly miraculous. The miraculous is God’s marvelous gift to us because only He can do it. We cannot logically explain it away.

Let’s all dare take the challenge – grab hold of His hand and believe that He will do the impossible in your life. I know I am accepting His challenge. How about you?



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4 responses

  1. Beautiful post, Jim! My wife and I are re-reading Acts, and I am amazed again to see the miracles that happened in the early church. Perhaps my expectations are too small. I am excited to hear how God continues to move in your fellowship.


  2. What a great ministry. Miracles are something even many believers question whether God still performs. It is good to hear there are Christians receiving and expecting God’s miracles in their lives. I sure am.


  3. Once again God is faithful. He answered the “super-sized” request on behalf of someone in our fellowship which “involved money and an irreversible deadline” in His own unique way. We serve an amazing God!!!!!


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