Christocentric Buffoonery

Those with the hutzpa to claim that their personal perceptions of Christ are more accurate than His written word of scripture deceive themselves. They have rebelled against God’s own chosen revelation, and worship at the feet of postmodernism instead. I would rather that my sensibilities shatter against the rock of God’s Word than subvert Christ to their subjective, existential angst. 
Here’s a little song about the dilemmas facing my existentially-consumed friends:
Beyond Scripture? (Part 2).

2 responses

  1. Having gone to your indicated post… I don’t suggest a new career as a lyricist… I was awed by the buzz it created! You’re cast as both a voice crying in the wilderness and a nasty, grouchy individual who in attacking other brothers is undermining the unity of the church…oops make that fellow believers. Would that I could fined a tenth of that response on my blogs!
    I was impressed this morning by a quote of John MacArthur, on a blog by a relatively conservative/Calvinistic lady, to the effect that he had never expected, in this generation, to be fighting for the authority of Scripture WITHIN THE CHURCH. I guess that day is here sooner than we expected.


  2. Pingback: Postmodern Idolatry « Crossroad Junction

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