New Life

I’m learning more and more, after years of ministry to broken and hurting people, that “facts” alone can’t heal or replace past destructive experiences.

Many people are in bondage to destructive beliefs – about themselves, the Lord, others or life in general – due to past experiences. Mere cognitive knowledge in the form of rational logic, facts and principles (even when true and Biblically based) are not enough to bring healing or wholeness when someone’s reality is defined by lies that they’ve come to subjectively believe due to past experiences. Only a new experience – in the person of Jesus as the Living Word – can break the power of experientially-based lies and bring freedom.

Take a twenty-two year old man (let’s call him Robert) who’s whole life and thus his whole belief system – including his sense of self, worth, validation and ways of relating to others – has been the “street” and hustlin’. Drugs have been Robert’s answer to despair and pain, and manipulation has become his means of survival.

Even when Robert sincerely turns his life over the Jesus, you can teach him all the cognitive facts, logical truth, sound doctrine and wise principles you want, but at his core he’s still “street”. Until he experiences a different reality, the experiential reality of the street – how he thinks, how he perceives, how he reacts – will continue to dominate his life.

How do most churches deal with people like Robert? They have him recite some “sinner’s prayer” and then immerse him in cognitive knowledge – like Biblical truth, sound doctrine and wise principles. He will logically, rationally and fully agree with those facts, and the church will take pride in doing a good job of “discipling” him in the Lord. They may even feature him in their monthly newsletter!

But Robert will have struggles, because at the core he’s still thinking, perceiving and reacting out of his experientially-based internal reality – which is still rooted in the “street”. External facts, like Bible knowledge and sound doctrine, just are not enough to change the reality of those experiences.

If knowledge alone could fix Robert, he’d have fixed himself long ago. But God never expected that of us. Yet we expect it of Robert, and we put the crushing weight of all our “oughts” and truths on him. We tell him that if he only has enough will power to believe or obey or whatever, then he will “make it” in the Lord.

When Robert stumbles or doesn’t change fast enough from his “street” reality to our good-Christian standards, he again will be told to be strong and that it’s up to him – he must find the will to obey God’s principles and hold fast to the “Word of God”.

But such performance- and fact-based admonitions are a cop-out by the church, because no one is willing to deal with – or knows how to deal with – the street-based mess that’s still at the core of Robert’s life.

There’s a war going on inside Robert between the fact-based truth, doctrines and principles he’s been taught by other Christians – which he logically accepts – and his experientially-based beliefs and ways of perceiving that are still present from the “street”.

So Robert – a man who sincerely wanted the Lord but instead was given doctrine, verses, sermons and principles – becomes exhausted from his internal battle returns to the street and drugs and hustlin’ and manipulating. On the street, he may never have been fully alive, but at least he experientially knew how to survive. And everyone at the church shakes their heads with piety and pity, because poor Robert just didn’t want to “follow Jesus” enough to change.

Long term, trying to fix folks with “facts” through cognitive teaching, Bible study, understanding right doctrine, sermons, etc., just doesn’t work. Yet that’s what most churches keep doing. It’s cheap, it’s impersonal, and it’s nice, neat and tidy. Throw in a zippy worship band during the Sunday service, and it may even be fun for awhile. But it just doesn’t work.

I have seen, time and again, how real freedom only comes when people experience the actual life of Jesus in those areas formally occupied by lies – not as some presumption that “Jesus is now in you” after praying some silly “sinner’s prayer,” but as a powerful reality rooted in authentic, deep and transparent confession, forgiveness and repentance.

Helping Robert experience Jesus as his new life and vibrant reality, where before there were only lies and bondage, can be a messy process. It requires helping Robert confess and expose his core beliefs to the Lord, and then being willing to let Jesus directly speak – actually and concretely with no attempts on my part to cloud things up with mushy abstractions or my own opinions – His transforming truth to Robert.

When Jesus speaks, lies shrivel up and die instantly. It doesn’t take months of counseling. It doesn’t take any litany of performance-based “oughts”. It is Jesus simply and directly meeting Robert in the lies that Robert was willing to confess and expose, and speaking His truth, His reality, His perspective personally and tangibly to Robert. Now Robert’s reality is Jesus in him. There is no room for the lie. It is gone, and with it goes the bondage it brought. And Jesus now in Robert – rather than doctrine and Bible verses and principles and doing all the “oughts” that he learned in church -brings true life and freedom.

Now, rather than a lie, Robert has the experience of Jesus living in that place in his life that formerly was a source of bondage. In the Bible, that process is called repentance. But we have lost the art of ministering repentance, rooted in transparent confession and concrete forgiveness, one-on-one to people.

With Robert, am I willing to let him honestly and openly express the hurt and the pain and struggles without freaking out or preaching at him? Can I love and embrace Robert, mess and all, and accept him fully and completely just as Jesus accepts him? Am I willing to walk with him to those places where he is in bondage to lies that took hold from a lifetime of ungodly experiences, and minister forgiveness? And when go together to the pain and the hurt he’s carrying, and help him expose the lies of his past to Jesus, am I willing to sit quietly as we invite the Lord to gently and lovingly speak to Robert? Because unless Robert encounters Jesus, not simply as cognitive knowledge but as living truth, then there is nothing I can say, and no verse I can quote, that will change Robert’s reality.

Many will not understand what I’m saying, because they have never taken a chance on Jesus. Rather, they put their faith in the Bible, in principles, and in figuring it all out based simply on ever-increasing knowledge about God and His precepts. Those are good things, but were never intended to be substitutes for Jesus in us.

Are you willing to walk to the place of pain and lies and bondage in your own or in another person’s life and then simply asking what the LORD – not Scripture! – has to say. Yes, of course, what Jesus wants to personally say to us to bring life in place of lies will always be consistent with Scripture. But religion, based on right understanding and right practices, can’t change anyone’s reality. Only new life, through Jesus in me, can bring real change.

Let’s stop thinking that leading Robert in some “sinner’s prayer” and then letting him “hear” from Jesus through sermons and teachings is enough. Let’s take the time to get down into the core of where Robert feels and reacts and believes, and helping him expose all that mess to the Lord so he can experience His life in place of those deeply-rooted lies. Only the life of Jesus in Robert can bring healing grace and transforming truth.

For example, most men who come to Christ from the “street” believe, at their core, that they are worthless and unable to be loved. Drugs helped them deal with that pain. I can quote a dozen Bible verses at Robert about how God loves him and values him. He can logically and rationally believe those verses – fully and truly. But it still doesn’t feel true.

Until someone is willing to go with Robert to those dark, painful places in his life where those experientially-based lies reside, and show Robert how to let the life of Christ displace those lies with His very personal and experiential validation and love, Robert will continue to feel worthless and unlovable no matter how many verses I throw at him. The Bible and sound doctrine and scriptural principles – God’s cognitive Word – were never intended to be a substitute for Jesus, the Living Word! In fact, apart from Jesus the Living Word, His cognitive Word is not going to bring much real change in Robert’s life. Scripture, without Jesus in me, is death.

Our churches have forgotten how to introduce desperate men and women to Jesus – other than having them pray some little prayer to “accept” Him into their lives and then cramming them full of the Bible. But until they encounter the Living Word, they will never find healing and wholeness. And until they find healing and wholeness through the person of Jesus, His cognitive Word will not find fertile ground or bear much fruit.

I have taught God’s precepts for years. They are good teachings, and contain much wisdom that comes from my own experiences and Scripture. But unless we share a common life – which must be Christ in us – my teachings and God’s precepts will remain simple facts that won’t result in real change, even if the hearer logically agrees with everything I’m saying.

Think about it this way: I go to some pre-technology tribe in Mongolia and offer to make them Americans. All they have to do, I tell them, is take an oath of allegiance to the United States and then I’ll teach them all the facts (i.e., doctrine and principles) they need to know to live and survive in the United States. After months of intense classes where they learn and logically understand everything I know to teach, and even master American English, I put them on a plane and they land – alone – in New York City.

Does anyone really think they will survive? No! They now need to gain experiential knowledge and change their internal value system if they hope to thrive and prosper in America.

Why do we expect someone from the our prevailing post-Christian culture, with all the experiences and internalized values of that culture, to make it in the Kingdom of God with only a simple prayer and then stuffing them with lots and lots of cognitive knowledge?

Again, simple facts won’t “fix” them. Only the Living Word, which replaces the experiences of their past by bringing new life within them, can do that. Then, and only then, can teaching cognitive “facts” have any real benefit.

As the Apostle Paul observed, we have many tutors (i.e., “fact” tellers), but not many fathers in the faith. I guess some things never change.

Justice and Redemption

Yesterday, I stood firm for justice on behalf of victims and their families in a criminal trial against an unrepentant youth pastor who molested children.

He was convicted and hauled away in restraints.

Today, I’ll go into the local jail to stand firm for redemption by encouraging and strengthening in the Lord a group of men who are repentant and not playing games …

Like using God and “church” to shield their guilt.

They are forgiven and finding freedom.

Those who think there is a contradiction between seeking justice and ministering redemption, understand neither …

Or my passion for both.

~ Jim Wright

See Related Stories:

Jury Convicts Manassas Megachurch Youth Leader of Sex Crimes, by Hannah Dellinger, Fauquier Times

Sexual Predation and Pedophilia at The Life Church in Manassas, Virginia, by Fulcrum Minisistries, Nathan’s Voice

Seeking Justice 

Early in my legal career I volunteered to help, for free, some victims of white-on-black police brutality in inner city Baltimore.

Unfortunately, there were no smartphones back then to record such oppression and violence, and so in those days justice was seldom served.

It was a rude awakening for this naïve country boy who grew up knowing only good cops, and the oppression I witnessed deeply impacted me.

All this came rushing back watching recent events unfold.

If we feel no righteous rage over continued senseless violence against blacks by bad cops in bad departments …

If we feel no righteous rage over senseless violence against good cops in retaliation …

Then we are part of the problem.

Let’s be ministers of reconciliation, because we don’t advance the need for justice in one case …

By minimizing the need for justice in the other.

~ Jim Wright


Simple Organic Church and the Existential Fringe

Haven’t the repeated failures by the existential fringe of the “organic” church movement – with authors like Felicity Dale, Frank Viola, Milt Rodriguez, Jon Zens, Keith Giles and their buddies – made it abundantly clear?

Without the plenary authority of Scripture, simple participatory churches don’t succeed.

Snake Oil SalesmenThese fringe authors dismiss the plenary authority and discipline of Scripture – and in some cases even deny that the Bible is His written word – to peddle a Jesus of their own perception.

Their false Christ – who is little more than a projection of their own “deeper life” angst, post-modern sensibilities and trans-Biblical agendas – inevitably leads to dysfunctional, insular and anemic “communities”.

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I get it: A confused generation of young millennials raised to believe they’re the center of the universe keep trying to create a Christ of their own perception by shunning the plenary authority of His written word.

What I don’t get are those who should be old enough to know better, but don’t.

It’s time for those who do know better to start acting like grown ups once again in the Body of Christ.

~ Jim Wright


Insane Church

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

Seriously, can anyone defend “church” as a carefully produced weekly “service” that feeds the need for affirmation through a staged “sermon” which mimics secular “motivational” speakers and staged “worship” which mimics intense pop concerts?

Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, not entertain the masses by catering to a culture which craves emotional affirmation and intensity – then calling it “God”.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8

Let us return to the Lord, and His ways, once again.

~ Jim Wright


Non Sequiturs of a Postmodern Jesus

Non sequiturs¹ Jesus never said …

(But are implicit among those who jettison scripture to create a postmodern² Jesus of their own perception):

Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

“It’s about relationship …

So forget obedience.”

“All scripture points to me …

So your own perceptions of me trump any scripture that offends you.”

“I am the living word …

So you no longer need to submit to the authority and discipline of my written word.”

“‘Be holy as I am holy’…

Now means ‘I am postmodern as you are postmodern’.”

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Going to Church or Being the Church?

When you “go to church” these days, it seems that staged teachings and “worship” performances by the “anointed” few during Sunday “services” have become substitutes for the diverse gifts and “one another” imperatives of the New Testament.

When you truly “are the church”, however, shared teachings, songs and diverse gifts arise among us – each and every one – by encouraging and strengthening “one another” in the Lord as functional communities which gather together.

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The Power of the Gospel

I went to the jail yesterday with another brother to be with one of the churches we helped establish there.

When we arrived, that other brother, John, felt the Lord’s prompting to ask if anyone was struggling with anything and wanted some one-on-one help. A young man raised his hand and I met with him alone while John remained with the larger group of about twenty inmates.

God and ManAs we talked, that young man was able to openly confess and release to the Lord years of hurts and regrets that he had suffered. The pain he carried from the wrongs he experienced as a boy contributed to addictions and emotional enslavement, which had been destroying his life. As he began to expose and gave them to the Lord, Jesus met him in a very personal way.

Then, without prompting, he started talking about all the stupid sins he had committed in reaction to the wrongs he had suffered at the hands of others. He began crying and asked how he could be free from the guilt and weight of his own wrongs.

I find that’s often the case: When we forgive others for their wrongs, we often clearly see for the first time the significance of our own sins and then are brought to a place of genuine conviction.

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Sound Doctrine and Snake Oil Theology

My prayer for the Church in this age of itchy ears and false teachers …

Lord, raise up true elders – “grown ups” among us who serve your people in their local communities – to teach sound doctrine and confront those who redefine:

Snake Oil SalesmenFaith as doubt;

Grace as excuse;

Love as license;

True as relative;

Real as subjective;

Moral as optional;

Community as conformity;

Church as unassembly;

Diverse gifts as distractions; and

Mission as introspection.

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Memorial Day

This video (despite the goofy background music!) brought back lots of memories of the time we lived in Newfoundland, Canada.

Robert Russell Wright

Quantico National Cemetery

In the 1960s, my dad, Robert Wright, was stationed there as a navy pilot in VW-13 (the sister squadron to the video’s VW-11, but same air base, planes and mission). Although I was in elementary school, I remember well many of the scenes shown in this video!

My dad’s mission was to fly Super Connies over the North Pole for early radar detection as part of the North American missile defense system. While there, he and my mom encountered Jesus (or maybe I should say that Jesus encountered them) and their lives became devoted to advancing His Kingdom while also serving our nation.

Later, he did two tours of duty in Vietnam as a Naval aviator and squadron commander, where he saw combat and lost friends while also earning two Presidential Unit Citations and being awarded the Air Medal. He also was exposed to Agent Orange and suffered heart damage which eventually contributed to his service-related death decades later.

This Memorial Day, let’s not forget those who served with honor and gave their lives to defend others.

~ Jim Wright


Why Is Bart Breen Stalking My Wife?

I need your help to stop a stalker who has been harassing and threatening my wife.

Bart Breen - Stalker

Bart Breen – Stalker

For over a year now, an obscure blogger named Bart Breen has been acting on behalf of a cult that’s upset and trying to silence me (and others) for daring to warn folks about their history of sexual predation, abuse and cover up.

As more and more people learn the truth about that cult – centered on narcissistic “Beyond Evangelical” author Frank Viola and his mutual promotion network of self-proclaimed “apostolic workers” – they’ve become more and more shrill in a desperate attempt to hide their history of shame, failure and abuse.

As a result, Mr. Breen is now stalking my wife in a perverse bid to silence me. He’s even openly boasted about it on Facebook and in his various blogs.

Why? By harassing my wife and publicly boasting about it, Bart Breen and Frank Viola are sending their victims – and those who stand with them – the clear message that they too will be attacked if they don’t toe the line and remain silent about what has been going on within their “Beyond” Cult.

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Robert R. Wright (1933 – 2015)

Last month, on January 6, 2015, my dad died peacefully in his sleep after a seven year struggle with dementia. His was a life well lived, in service to the King of Kings and His Kingdom.

This is a blog I first wrote a couple of years ago about my parents. I am re-posting it as my tribute to him and the legacy he leaves behind.

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The last several years have been a wonderful journey of seeing folks come to the Lord and fellowships emerge in highly improbable places. In my own life, the roots for this go back to my dad and mom, Bob and Mary Jane Wright.

tree_rootsIn the 1970s and 80’s, the Lord used them as pioneers in what we’d now call simple “organic” church – before that term became popular (even though today, unfortunately, it can mean nearly anything).

Forty years ago, they helped birth a regional network of open, participatory fellowships in Maryland, where people could find and express the vibrant life of Christ in dynamic gatherings as everyone ministered one to another – rather than having directed, scripted meetings.

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Local Church Leadership

Last evening some elders from among our fellowships took time to share a meal at a local pizza joint and talk – just talk, with no agenda.

body-of-christOur conversation turned to how the traditional model for church leadership is to inspire folks to “come” and be part of our own gift, calling or motivation – but that we don’t see this in Apostle Paul’s life.

Rather, Paul’s main approach was to unleash Christ within existing communities where God sent him. As Paul would “go”, he was secure enough to then let Christ be expressed through the wonderful diversity of the many unique gifts, callings and motivations He chose to bestow among His people in each church.

Thus, it was never about Paul inspiring people to come gather around his own gift, calling or motivation. Likewise, there is no example in the entire New Testament of any single “pastor”, one-man ministry or other person serving as a primary focal point “over” any local church.

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Predatory Pastors: Victim Blaming

Here’s a much-needed blog from – a locally-based (but unaffiliated) ministry near us – about the victim blaming that often occurs when a beloved or otherwise respected church leader is outed as a sexual predator.

I have been involved in many church abuse cases over the years, both as an attorney (now retired) and as local elder who has been asked to intervene on behalf of victims in other churches.

In my experience, victim blaming – and even outright trying to destroy the victim – always happens in cases involving an abusive but otherwise inspiring church leader.

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Stories of Redemption

Yesterday, after a seven month hiatus to care for my dad and deal with some of my own health issues, another local elder and I visited the jail to check on a church I previously had been helping.

taking-up-your-crossThe first thing I noticed was around twenty new men were now in that fellowship, with only two of the original brothers still around (the others, as is normal in a jail environment, had been released or transferred).

The church, I was thrilled to see, had not only survived but thrived during my absence – with them showing a wonderful continuity of life from when I last saw them.

As I then listened to them openly share their hopes and struggles in the Lord with each other, and watched them encourage one another to love and good works (Heb. 10), I cried silent tears of joy.

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I Love Church!

Participatory church? I do that.

I sit and stand when the worship leader tells me to and sometimes even sing along, do the happy clap or raise my arms with my eyes closed when prompted;


Yup, I love church!

I shake hands with the guy in the pew ahead of me when the associate pastor says to greet one another;

On occasion I say “amen” when the senior pastor asks us to say “amen” during his sermon;

I put money in the plate when its passed down my row by the ushers; and

I even bow my head when told to do so during the invitation for folks to raise their hands and receive Jesus.

So yes, I participate when I go to church, thank you very much!

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Getting down to basics…

Without external revelation on what is truly true, really real and rightly right – by one with the authority to define all because He created all – you are trapped in the meaningless absurdity of circular logic and self-referential perception.

Some ask if God has validity apart from their own logic and perceptions. The more relevant question, however, is if logic and perceptions can ever have validity apart from God? This is the question existentialists and atheists cannont answer. ~

The Great Divide: Biblical Absolutes and Relativism

Men With Chests

C.S. Lewis bemoaned, in The Abolition of Man, that the West was becoming a culture of men without chests – meaning we have either lost the courage of our God-given convictions or in many cases denied those virtues altogether.


Offending the Offensive

This is amply illustrated by relativistic “tolerance”, which has been used for too long as a counterfeit “virtue” to attack what is true, beautiful and moral.

Lately, however, those who rationalize Jihadist atrocities in the name of “tolerance” – and who then protest that we must not “offend” Islam – are causing more and more people to reject the moral bankruptcy of their squishy relativism.

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House2House: RIP

snake-oil-salesmanIt looks like House2House Ministries and Magazine have closed shop once again.

What an unfortunate, checkered history of organic/simple church failure after failure.

How many times will it take before Felicity Dale and gang finally figure out that you can’t start and sustain healthy local churches – simple, organic or otherwise – by promoting phony self-appointed “apostles”:

– Who ain’t livin’ what their sellin’, with private lives that don’t match up with their finely-honed public persona;

– Who have no consistent history of successfully forming, maintaining or being part of sustainable local churches that look anything like what they promote in their books, blogs and conferences;

– Who deny that the Great Commission has general relevance today;

– Who proclaim that scripture is not the written word of God and that those who affirm scripture are committing “treason against Christ”;

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My Stunning Prophetic Predictions for 2015

Man of GodMy stunning predictions for 2014 proved to be the ONLY 100% accurate prophecies by anyone anywhere last year.

So, not wanting to let all the prophets of fame, name and gain dominate yet another year with their headline-chasing rubbish, I’ve decided to once again put myself on the line by publishing my stunning new prophetic predictions for 2015.

This way, the world can see once more who is the true prophet among us!

So (drum roll…) here is what’s gonna happen in 2015, raw and unvarnished:
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