Hypocrisy and Courage

Why is it that folks who condone sexual abuse by refusing to bear witness against sexual predators in our churches, often seem so concerned about young people otherwise staying sexually pure?

Condoning Abuse and Predation

If those folks don’t care enough about the sexuality integrity of our young to protect them from sexually exploitive church leaders, then why do they think our young will listen to their messages about sexual purity?

What stark hypocrisy!

I must add, however, how grateful I am for all who did come forward to bear witness against the evil that occurred over the last several years at Christ Chapel, a large Assembly of God church in the area. Thank you!

Your willingness to step forward, even though it was difficult and it took lots of courage, is making a difference. You have shown the world that there yet remains men and women of integrity in our churches.

Because there has been no repentance, legal action is pending. Those charges will be published – and names named – once the church at issue, and those involved, have been formally served …

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality” – Dante

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