
If we are not about redemption, then what hope do any of us have?

This is my passion.

This is my cause.

It ain’t neat, and it ain’t tidy.

It’s raw and sometimes ugly.

But if Jesus doesn’t work for the worst of us, then He works for none of us.

4 responses

  1. Yes, redeeming mankind and paying the price for all humanity was Jesus’s job. He came to seek and save the lost. We are here as his agents in the Earth. Yes the Holy Spirit, or Spirit of Christ (Romans eight) is also here convicting, convincing, drawing lost sinners to himself. This is wonderful as without Him we can effect nothing. You might even draw a parallel to fishing. We are the bait, Jesus is the hook. The good news is the bait, the power of a sovereign God can keep those who come to Him.

    Ah redemption. How beautiful. Kids these days don’t remember those stamp booklets from the grocery store. Licking and pasting those S&H Green Stamps and awaiting the day of redemption. Nothing like walking out of the store with a new toaster or clothes iron. It’s a tiny, or small picture of redemption. Thank God we are of more value than a toaster.


    • If this is what I think it is, it only makes sense because the chrcuh was never a building or an boring event on Sunday or a gaggle of pastors and leaders that people gripe about But the chrcuh has always been the people of God, filled and formed by His Breath and Word. May you be refilled and reformed, Redemption Church!!!


  2. Awesome Jim, praise God from whom all blessings flow. My school teacher wife said it should be affect, not effect. I stand corrected. Effect is a noun, affect is a verb. Will we ever learn to speak and write in English? “All the angels in heaven above rejoice when there’s a soul saved.”


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