Acceptance with Joy

My wife, Marianne, wrote this. Where I am vision and logic, she is feeling and heart. The Lord speaks to us in very different ways, and we have learned to passionately value those differences.

Anyway, I think this was for both of us, and maybe it will speak to you too as the first of hopefully many devotionals from her.

~ Jim


As I was in the midst of an intense struggle over some situations in my life, the Lord spoke to my spirit: “Acceptance with joy.”

I responded, “Lord, I don’t even know what it is that I am to accept, but whatever it is, there certainly is no joy.”

For me, it became pray, pray, pray: I cried my heart out in hopes that somehow He would let me see what He wanted.

With me, the Lord speaks in pictures, and the picture He showed me was not encouraging.

I saw about two inches of dark, rich topsoil over deep, SOLID rock. I had a shovel.

I asked the Lord to pulverize the rock because the rock made it impossible to dig with only a shovel. Amazingly (but not really amazing), the Lord did exactly what I prayed.

At first, I was surprised. Then excitement grew because once again He heard my heart.

I am continuously astonished at how God miraculously can take our anguish and do something awesome – ashes to beauty.

To me, acceptance with joy starts with small, attempting-to-be-obedient, steps.

I still don’t have all the answers in how to accomplish this, but I believe it is a continuing journey.

Let us walk faithfully.

~ Marianne


8 responses

  1. Marianne! THANK YOU for your post! It GREATLY encourages me! I am facing some solid rocks in my own life. Abundant GRACE to you!


  2. Thank you for shareing your heart…I was reminded of those words ‘Acceptance with Joy’ receiently and the obedience they require……I am looking for Joy in the morning, but weeping inside of me just now. I too am seeking the Lord for help to obey. I know he will show me moment by moment on this journey…He is so faithful, even when I falter.


  3. Your blog gives great encouragement and confirmation to those of us who are dealing with day to day difficult situations. For me, it is being a 24/7 caregiver to my husband who has dementia. Sometimes I feel like I’m trying to pound through rock with a hand trowel. Acceptance with joy may not be acceptable to some but I’m finding God’s peace, provision, comfort, compassion and even laughter as He pulverizes the rock. Keep sharing. So many of us NEED your ministry!


  4. Great word, Marianne with a lot to ponder. It also reminds me of a word God recently gave me –

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

    We all know this part of the Scripture all too well, but it also says –

    But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

    We have the seeds of that tree, and they will bear fruit…the tree is coming!


  5. wow, what a time perfect word that I totally relate to today. thank you . I was thinking of in everything give thanks all afternoon, and how difficult that is to do currently. This is a description of that put into honey 🙂


  6. thanks for sharing this truth of acceptance that sometimes I complained to Him about the anguished, pain and troubles of my heart. I thanked God we can accept things that happened in our lives and experiencing Him changing our heart to be more like Him. I love you Jesus!


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