Ask and Verify

It's time to stop the nonsense. It's time to move beyond the carnage of self-appointed "workers" and "church planters" who write enticing books and blogs but have no history of being in committed fellowship themselves, or actually creating sustainable, healthy fellowships among others.

It’s time to stop the nonsense. It’s time to move beyond the carnage of self-appointed “workers” and “church planters” who write enticing books and blogs but have no history of being in committed fellowship themselves, or actually creating sustainable, healthy fellowships among others.
Modern Day Pauls?

One response

  1. I would put this statement into a more general form: there’s no authority to speak about any relevant topic concerning our Faith but Jesus as presented in the Holy Bible. As for practical, everyday details and “how-to’s” of church-life I’d only trust someone who’s IN it and has co-worked in a group with a positive track record.


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