Walk with Me in the Garden

“Then the man and the woman heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” (Gen. 3:8) Oh, what a delight this must have been for Adam and Eve! Walking in the garden was probably a fulfilling, tranquil every day experience. Then sin changed the equation.

I believe that the Lord still wants us to walk in the garden with Him. No, we don’t live in the original Garden of Eden. We live in a world containing joy and sorrow, blessings and curses.

A few days ago I felt like the Lord said, “Walk with Me in the garden.” So I started wondering how can I be obedient and accomplish that goal? If the Lord asks us to do something, then it must be achievable.

When I think about Adam and Eve in the garden before the fall, I believe that they spent much time meandering through their beautiful garden. I believe that the Lord joined them as they explored the exquisite grounds He created. In the same way, He wants us to daily experience His presence. 

When Jim and I travel we often visit botanical gardens. We both love their beauty and peacefulness. They soothe our souls. However, we rarely just stumble upon them accidentally. We purposely plan for them.

“To walk in the garden,” I believe, also requires purposefulness. We can’t just hope that it happens. We need to spend time talking with the Lord. I don’t believe that “walking in the garden” is a regimented prayer time. I believe it is a lifestyle. When I am walking our dog, driving the car or just doing everyday things, I can “walk in the garden” as I talk with Him. He is my friend and He cares about all the things in my life. “Walking in the garden” helps me develop an intimacy with the Lord. 

In the spring and summer I find it much easier to “walk in the garden” because we do have a garden that brings great joy. It is so easy to talk with the Lord there. However, it is now January and it is very cold so I don’t sit in my physical garden. I have to be more steadfast and determined if I am to “walk in the garden.”

No matter what the season, I believe that the Lord desires the intimacy and fellowship that He originally had in the Garden of Eden. It is my desire to make myself available. I hope that you also will be open and willing to walk with Him in the garden. Will you take that walk?


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