The Unexpected

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

~ From The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Each day we have the privilege of choosing which road we will travel. It often really is our choice. Do we want the path that is smooth and drama free or are we willing to journey on the path that is frequently covered with pot holes?

the road not taken

The Road Not Taken

Throughout our lives there are times when each of these roads is a viable option. I must confess that, for whatever reason, the road I usually find myself on is bumpy, covered with overhanging branches and contains many twists and turns.

I would like to suggest that there is also a third path that can emerge. The sign post on that road reads “The Unexpected.” The unforeseen journey down this road brings with it the potential for destruction or immeasurable growth. When the unexpected occurs you might be tempted to ask, “Why, God?” or try to second guess what you could have done differently.

Jim and I have been traveling the Unexpected Road since January 6. In fact, all the family members who live in our house with us have been active participants on the unexpected journey. One man from our fellowship group summed it up best when he jokingly said, “Isn’t it a sad state of affairs when Joy (our dog) is the healthiest member of the Wright clan?”

During the hospital stays and surgeries over the past three months, I can honestly say that I have seen God’s mighty hand at work. We have seen the Body of Christ, through the fellowship groups and Christian coworkers, unselfishly step forward to meet all the needs – both physically and spiritually.

We have had the privilege to watch strong leadership emerge in some of the more fledgling groups. For Jim and me, I feel like the Lord has helped us rearrange some priorities. For myself, the Lord has enabled me to be thankful in the midst of living in the unexpected.

I have had a strong sense of excitement that certainly defies reality. I believe that the Lord is in the process of expanding His kingdom. Sometimes He temporarily allows us to be on the sidelines.

By doing that, He provides an opportunity for our rest and growth and yet also creates a way for others to bring forth their gifts. The important question is whether we are willing to allow Him to rearrange our life, or are we going to grumble and complain about the situation?

When the totally unexpected occurs, rest in the knowledge that the God who created heaven and earth has never been blindsided. Sometimes detours in life are necessary, but I am beginning to discover that taking the road less traveled makes all the difference.

~ Marianne



5 responses

  1. We know this feeling to……. But we’ve always found that no-one else wants to know about it!…..after all The Lord may leed them that way


  2. U sure have been in my thoughts & prayers, Marianne. Having health issue, need prayers. Am holding onto God’s promise, He is in total control & am not alone.


  3. Every cloud has a silver lining and it all depends on what we’re looking at. How great to have you home for a few months, to have a brand new car and time with my son as he drives me to appointments. To really know what it feels like to be a stiff necked woman and that even in that condition I can be a much needed caregiver 24/7. Then too, with all the prayers, we are living in the wonderful provision of God! It sure beats a dull, uneventful, nothing is new existence. And tomorrow (I mean today as it’s 3:30 AM) I get my three month neck brace off and then just watch me go!

    Liked by 1 person

    • As the only member of the Wright household healthy enough to drive lately, I’m looking forward to you getting out of your neck brace. I don’t mind being a chauffeur, but your ability to drive once again will be great!


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