Seeking Justice 

Early in my legal career I volunteered to help, for free, some victims of white-on-black police brutality in inner city Baltimore.

Unfortunately, there were no smartphones back then to record such oppression and violence, and so in those days justice was seldom served.

It was a rude awakening for this naïve country boy who grew up knowing only good cops, and the oppression I witnessed deeply impacted me.

All this came rushing back watching recent events unfold.

If we feel no righteous rage over continued senseless violence against blacks by bad cops in bad departments …

If we feel no righteous rage over senseless violence against good cops in retaliation …

Then we are part of the problem.

Let’s be ministers of reconciliation, because we don’t advance the need for justice in one case …

By minimizing the need for justice in the other.

~ Jim Wright


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