Frank Viola: Feed the Need

Sorry, Frank Viola, but when your “revelation” of Jesus looks a lot like your own sensibilities, I’m not impressed.

And when “deeper life” merely reinforces your own postmodern proclivities, I’m likewise not impressed.

Nor do I find a persistent failure to be a functional part of any healthy, local fellowship – despite all your books and blogs on organic church – to be a virtue.

Really, didn’t you get the memo? Postmodernism and existential angst just ain’t that compelling or counter-cultural anymore.

So I guess you’re gonna need another shtick.

How ’bout helping the poor?

But that begs the question: What, in all honesty, are you now doing that’s any different than what anyone else might do apart from Christ?

Radical? Hardly.

Sorry, I just don’t think that’s gonna feed your need either.

Even forbidden affections with sweet young things half your age didn’t feed the need for attention and affirmation, did it?

Spiritual narcissism in search of meaning inevitably keeps hitting dead ends.

There’s yet time to break the cycle, to come clean, and to openly confess and repent.

Choose wisely.

~ Jim Wright


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